​Gain from Power WIth and With-in

Be memorable, trusted

 Have the right attitude.



How can we assist Executives, Small business owners, Corporations and Staff?

​​​​"According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American works 44 hours aper week or 8.8 hours per day. 

A 2014 national Gallup poll put the average number at 47 hours per week or 9.4 hours per week, with many saying, they work 50 hours per week.  May 3, 2017"


Business executives and staff members profit from all forms of healthier lifestyles education.  As the average person spends forty -two to forty-four hours or more away from home at work, mental health

is paramount for well-being and to benefit from well-ness programs or when re-programming one's self to healthy lifestyles, such as weight management, to improve any aspect of physical health or attempts in rebranding image/(s).  Solid presentations, promotion of business or self, we specialize because wellness starts with full-package overall designs: mentally, personally and professionally.

From whole-body care, to personal appearance, multi-media promotion or organizational communication to assisting business and employees lessen mental and health costs, MightyDreamer Coaches quality care and designs that are time efficient solutions that also, fits most budgets easily.   Our programs and creative custom company marketing designs help assure, happier environments and successes.

Video produced training programs or coverage and social media management.

Company personnel makeovers: personal development or branding.

Mental health , organizational communication and work place violence education.

Interactive wellness  and well-being classes, including food prep demonstrations:

seminars- conference style availability online or on location

Flourishing- reframing-resilience- and all aspects of advanced positive psychology:

keys to ever-growing success and abundant living.

Group and Individual Health Maintenance Classes: Diabetes, Weight Management.

Mindfulness sessions (a favorite.)

Hourly, weekly and monthly sessions available.

Private care- payable by individual

Company member discounts (company pays and picks out a program or program.

​Online programs. (live and taped)

All within the Hippa Laws that privacy we do not breach.

Full-scale company personalized PR that can include, video production, speech writing, desktop publishing, branding campaigns as a baseline.

Recreate your image or presentation, save on healthcare for your company by addressing the mental health of your staff through positive psychology coaching, conferences or redesign your business presentation to make for competitive edge:  book MightyDreamer as your one-stop shop for toolbox trainings that deliver.

Price list or additional information request-