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646 904-0893
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Individual and Group hourly, weekly and group rates available

MightyDreamer:       Cost effective, Constructive, Conscientious Care

Full scale personal development that improves client communications using multimedia dynamics and campaign building enhanced by wellness and well-being coaching  to meet at north of neutral business and personal goals.

Become your best performer, a better entertainer, have more mindful and magical presentations.

​Gain from Power WIth and With-in

Privately hired  Facilitator for your programs or facilitating ours at your location.


Full Service Multimedia, Marketing, Management and Executive Personal Development Life Coach Provider:


Private Wellness and Well-being Professional Development for Entertainers, Corporate Clientele and Private Clients

One-on-One private and group online or on location services available via in person, video, cellphone or chat.

Fixed or Growth Mindset, MightyDreamer toolbox trainings move clients north of neutral using multi-media, marketing and motivational coaching strategies based in communication arts and advanced positive psychology coaching for excellence.